Sunday 19 April 2009

Ole~Ole~ Wolverhampton FC~~~

Congratulation to Wolverhampton FC!!!!!!!

My living place football club - Wolverhampton FC had been promoted to EPL next season ~!!!!

It's unbelievable!! I'll be able to meet with Steven Gerrard, Fernando Torres, Lampard, C.Ronaldo..... this second half year!! OMG~~ Let's see what will happen in the future yeah~~ ^^

My 23rd Birthday - A Meaningful B'day

Happy b'day to you~~~
Happy b'day to you~~~
Happy b'day to Issac, Erica & Vicky
Happy b'day to you~~~~~~

I had a b'day celebration party in my friend's house. Really thanks for those who prepared d BBQ party for us (Erica, Vicky n my b'day is coming soon). It's really the great time i had ever been in the UK. So, thanks William, Wilson, Qhnn, Vivian, Sam, Jinn, Cedric, Johnson, and some others who have put effort on the party!

Again, really appreciate for d birthday present from u guys! A brand new Sony Erricsson W302 Walkman Phone~~ Wow! The most expensive b'day gift i ever got!!!! I almost cry~~~ T.T

Well, i'll post some photo here but not now! Let's me get from d photo graper - Vivian first~~ hehe..

* Thanks Erica for fixed my rubbish hair~~~ ^^

Wednesday 4 March 2009


英国的天气真的让人又爱又恨!爱是因为有时很凉爽,不可能会出汗,在房间里就好像马来西亚的冷气房里面,真的很爽!嘻嘻。。。恨的是因为早上起床真的是“超级无敌霹雳”非常非常的困难!! 好像今天早上我9点就醒了,但是一拉开被单的那一瞬间,我的身体又很自然的窝回被单里面去了。你问我为什么?因为太冷了啊!!结果我一直赖床到12点多! =.=!
本来说今天没有课,早点起床做功课的。结果。。早上的时间没了!下午要去支持朋友的羽球比赛,晚上要工作~~~ 一天就这样悄悄的过去了.. T.T

注:超级无敌霹雳是表示最厉害的,中国术语"最牛"的.超级无敌霹雳非常非常是表示最非常的(哎呀,我也不会解释.. ^^) 一个来自北京的朋友教我的.. 嘻嘻...

Monday 2 March 2009


肥仔!肥佬!Fatty...... 种种不堪入耳的称呼慢慢都与我挂钩.站在镜子前面,突然发现我真的肥了很多. =.=! Argh~~!!! 为什么这种事情会发生在我的身上?我明明拥有标准的身材,天使的面孔... 为什么?????难道这就是人们所说的"中年发福"??OMG~~~

当初说要来英国的时候,大家最关心的不是我的学习和适应能力,反而是担心我会越来越胖(好像谢X康那样.. ^^)。老爸说:"惨咯!你回来我们还认不认得你啊?" 老妈也说:"死咯!去到那边好吃好住,不是会肥到像猪酱?" T.T 两夫妻果然有默契!!! =.=!!! 于是.....我决定不要衰给他们看!!

在英国生活不知不觉已经1个多月了,该观察的也都观察了. 发现,这边的生活方式真的很适合减肥!(如果不吃快餐的话 ^^) 山明水秀,风凉水冷,地洁人灵... 活动量少了,吃也吃少了,嘻嘻.... 结果,经过我魔鬼式的训练,终于有人说我了!哇哈哈!
我知道很多在我身边的朋友都想减肥的. 嗨~给你们一点"贴士"呗!

早餐一粒苹果,中午多点跑步,晚上吃少一点,最好早点吃!哈哈... 这只是我的做法,不成功不要怪我! OK? ^^

最后,告诉那些看衰我的人:"你们等着瞧吧!瘦给你们看! 哈哈...... "

Thursday 26 February 2009

Journey to the UK - KLIA

(Fr left to right) Joe Joe, Brother-in-law, My gf, me, Dad, Mum, Reny & Rae (both are my sis)
Happy Family~~~

18th January 2009, so many first times happened on me~~ first time travel oversea, first time taking international flight..... I appreciate whoever help me a lot especially my family to make all these happened on me!

For dad and mum:
Please no worry about me, i believe i'm the one with the mature thinking and know what to do and what not to do! Perhaps......